“Emotive & gut-wrenching, Nikole's writing compels readers to dig deep & ask the gritty questions amidst pulse-pounding action & swoon-worthy romance.”
About the Author
“Emotive & gut-wrenching, Nikole's writing compels readers to dig deep & ask the gritty questions amidst pulse-pounding action & swoon-worthy romance.”
I write because stories are in my blood. And writing them moves me to TEARS. I write because there are truths to be told that can only be conveyed through the nuances of fiction.
I write because I lost two people very dear to me in my teen years--and I didn't have an outlet for processing that grief with my peers--because they didn't understand feelings--let alone this soul-crushing thing called grief. I started writing to "process" that grief and loneliness. Not to mention--I also just really loved writing. So I wrote a book to process all that pain and turn it into something productive, mysterious, tongue-in-cheek, and dare I say it?--beautiful.
You've heard the phrase "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade?" Well, Present History was my lemonade book. And dang, it's a tasty drink if I do say so myself!
At the end of the day, I write for myself. But you want to know the cherry on top? If I can impart even a *smigden* of hope to a reader who's going through a dark time...THAT is winning to me as an author. That break in the storm clouds...the silver lining? That's how I see stories. Yes, they're fiction, but they can very much influence our real lives, and if I can provide a bit of light hope, a laugh--or even negate the loneliness or grief someone is feeling--for even just a few hours, I've done my job.

What readers are saying:
“Heartbreakingly beautiful. Tragically hopeful. Suspense/intrigue that makes you hold your breath. I don’t want to spoil it for you future readers, but you will not be able to put it down! Kept me on my toes and wanting more the whole time, and found myself getting attached to certain characters, and relating heavily with some of the emotional experiences of Avery. Loved it!” -Fallout reader
“I am completely enthralled.” -Present History reader
“Fans of James Patterson will love Nikole’s work.” -Present History reader
“The painful truth and mess of healing from physical and psychological abuse is a real thing and one I'm glad this author had the compassion to fully substantiate through various colourful characters.” -Fallout reader
“It drew me in right from the first page which for me is no small task.” -Present History reader
“I cried. It was powerful. Ugh. So good!” Phantom’s Daughter reader
“Where do I start? Fallout was amazing. It was grungy, dark and raw. I firmly believe that those who stick through the ups and downs and wade through the process that is Avery's story, will find themselves changed. Its painful to read at times, because the trauma and need for healing (but not knowing how to get it) is so real. But its worth it.
I love the dance between holding on and letting go in this book. The endurance & courage it takes to choose both of those. I love the characters and the things they care about.
The last 20% was my absolute favourite. I gasped and misted over and whispered "no" and "oh my" several times.
Even though reading doesn't require much engagement, per say, I feel like this book doesn't allow the reader to be passive. It requires your insides to wake up and listen and be attentive and real yourself. It challenges passivity and how far people are willing to go for someone. Its beautiful. Its deep. Its rough. Its such a worthwhile read.” -Fallout reader
“I absolutely love this book!!! The character development is amazing. The plot is deep and thought-provoking. Overall the book is nothing short of spectacular!!!! This book is easily one of my all-time favourites!!!” -Present History reader
“I will absolutely be hanging onto this book for a reread in the future.” Present History reader